1733 Batchawana ST SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49508
Church Planters
Your support helps our church planters to give most of his time in reaching out, raising leaders and planting churches.
We have ongoing trainings for both the church planters and their Timothy. Your support helps to train more Church Planters and Timothy to reach out more places.
Outreach Project
We do various kinds of social works to build the bridge between our church planters and the targeted villages. Your support helps our church planters to be a loving witness. Following are some of the example of our outreach works:
- Clean Water
- Relief / Humanitarian Acts
- Warm Winter Jackets to Kids in the rural areas.
- Motor Bikes / Bikes
- Film Projectors
- Literature
Children Home
Your support makes our children’s future bright by providing quality life, education, shelter and family environment.
Education / Scholarship for the church planters’ kids.
Spouse Empowerment Program
To make our church planters economically sustainable, we help their spouses to run micro-business. Your support makes our church planters and their spouses financially sustainable.
Staffs / Administration
Your support helps our staffs to do their job best.